Saturday, April 11, 2009

Win Free Video Games! (Giveaway #7)

Contest #7:


This week's game giveaway question is based around movie-to-game adaptations.

Okay, so maybe the game adaptations of "ET" and "Back to the Future 2" didn't really pan out.

That doesn't mean the movie-to-game transition can't be done right.

Just look at "Goldeneye," the LEGO "Star Wars" trilogy or this week's hot release, "The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena."

So anyway.. it got us thinking...

"What movies really SHOULD have had game adaptations, but never did? And why?"

Tell us your favorite movie that failed to make the journey from the box office to your preferred console.

What would the game be like?

Think the actors would have come back to do the voices?

Our favorite answerer gets a free game from our personal Mahalo stash.

Plus, who knows...maybe you'd give some clever game executive a good idea!

Best of luck to all...

And thanks for watching MahaloVideoGames!

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