Sunday, April 5, 2009

Winner Announced (Giveaway #9)

Contest #9:

Hello once again.

Last week we had another one of our game giveaway contests which was:

"What is the most unrealistic action sequence in a movie ever, and why?"

This wasn't exactly a hard question to answer as there are lots and lots of movies with crazingly unrealistic action scenes.

All the answers we went through were very unrealistic and a lot of fun to read, but only one person/answer can be chosen.

So with that said.. we have chose Peyjwun's answer, because honestly, how could ANYONE survive an atomic bomb with very little scratches and bruises?

Here's his answer:


"The amazing Indiana Jones in Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Indiana Jones to me has always seemed to be the hero that can do it all, tackle any foe, but wasn't necessarily in any ways "super", but c'mon really? Ummmm... he survives a nuke by... getting into a refrigerator? Which of course launches him an unknown distance, by my guess at least a hundred yards or more, yet he miraculously survived with minor scratches and probably a head ache."

Yes, we chose his answer because surviving an atomic bomb explosion while hiding in a refrigerator has to be one of the most unrealistic scenes in movie history.

Crazy, crazy scene!

Congrats Peyjwun for a very unrealistic answer(haha). You have won one free video game from our personal stash!

Keep checking back for more exciting game giveaway contests!

Thanks to everyone for participating in this contest.. and as always, thanks for watching!

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